Dodgy Receipt from Council is it proof “Rate go off shore”.

Dodgy Receipt from Council is it proof “Rate go off shore”.
And Council is not what it pretends to be, which has been allowed by the State, that does not serve you but claims the right to own and control you?

See attached! G-Dodgy Receipt-from SBRC- pdf

There is so much wrong with this receipt, that it actually requires a forensic Audit, as these criminals may have inadvertently let the cat out of the Bag, as the actors for and on behalf of this corporate body, masquerading as a claimed local government, when in fact they are standing in treason, outside the law of the Commonwealth of Australia, serving foreign masters “trading with the enemy” having their own corporate law system, judge and jury, and this is all allowed by the State, being used against every claimed council rates payer: of which I, the true sole beneficiary of the DENIS PETER RAWLINSON Trust, am one;

Evidence of which is at this link:
Evidence People need to know, to undertake their own research, with more evidence being added as it comes to light, but remember do your own research, as more evidence is being added,
Particularly in regards to those suffering at the hands of the claimed local governments, as sadly, even though these occupiers committing War crimes have no lawful authority on the land of the commonwealth of Australia, they are granted full immunity by the State for any harm they commit; though there is a weak link that being the Minister for local government, and their office and staff, that engage the State, in all crimes against the people of the Commonwealth of Australia, committed by these foreign agents, that serve other masters, claiming to be local governments;

Now regarding this receipt, that we must all demand answers for, or take full precautions for any payment made to these pirates and that being claimed, should only be an original receipt, or a copy if it has been certified as a true copy containing the name, position and signature under oath of office, of the authorized agent to make such a claim, it is also your lawful right to demand it be witnessed, as that receipt will be the only proof beyond all doubt, a payment has been made, which if you have claimed your unalienable right as the sole beneficiary of the named Trust, and have at the very least demanded the records be corrected, to your given names when born prior to any registration of the body and soul to the State, “Birth Certificate”, then that fraudulent claim against the sole beneficiary of the named Trust, can be claimed back from the Trust, as you are the beneficiary, that is being attack the living man or woman, who was coerced into making payment under a false fiction name, had it not been corrected – as the payment was already discharged by the State, who are the administrators and trustee not you standing as surety for their crimes;

This will put an end, to one of the tricks by the State, and the enemies of the people, who occupy this land claiming ownership over land – property and the people, for I was attacked holding much evidence of crimes being committed by the actors for and on behalf of local government ; by the actors for and on behalf of the – SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: (a business for profit) Mark Pitt, CEO; Kerri Anderson, Manager of Finances and sustainability; Susan Jarvice, General Manager Finance and Corporate; the mayor, supposedly representing the people, and others on the council jury all living men and women, who caused harm to another living man, who now carry that liability, that is not protected by any statute of limitation under God’s law and Trust law – for the rest of their lives, in their private capacity, for their passing of judgement, with no right to defense, done so with others yet to be exposed (as no secrets can be held when a crime is committed) and a star chamber is a crime, were the supposed accused cannot defend one self, of the lies and deceit used to reach their unlawful verdict,

I have belief and faith that justice will be served, as the receipt, I the man, received has brought yet more evidence of crimes against the living man, I Denis-Peter: the beneficiary;
And for the record:
To all actors for and on behalf of the SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: in both your acting role as well as your private capacity, I, the living man, who has been harmed, coerced, under extortion, here and now, lawfully demand a true Certified Copy of a Receipt noting full payment of an assumed debt claimed, has been received and discharged; containing the name, position and signature under oath of office, of Mark Pitt CEO, who as judge and executors, passed the verdict, of alleged guilt, for a fabricated crime, for and on behalf of all actors for and on behalf of the SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: and as it is my lawful right to demand a witnessed, this shall be done; to prove beyond all doubt, that payment had been received, and the claim was discharged, it must be a receipt , that stands as the truth in law, not an assumption,

This action Shall be required and stand as the law for any further claims made against the Beneficiary Denis-Peter: using a fiction name – Denis Peter Rawlinson, Denis P Rawlinson, DP Rawlinson, Denis Peter RAWLINSON, Denis P Rawlinson, or any other creation dreamed up by the Actors for and on behalf of the SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718:
Take Note: ignore at your own peril, as the Notice of Conditional Acceptance – 1st August 2024, is now in full force.
For the record: there is a lawful way to correct all these problems and that is to Correct the records as the actors for and on behalf of the – SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: were all instructed to do well over two years ago, and many times since, “That being” remove you unlawful legal fictions used as joinders and replace with the true given names as hand written upon the source document, in God’s presence – to Denis-Peter: or Denis-Peter: beneficiary, for any lawful claim, which now must contain the word Rates-Bill rather than Rates-Notice, making the claim, if its lawful actually, “lawful”, as a Bill is payment require, and Notice is an assumed debt not yet paid, the fact that I, have never had from the beginning a Bill, but only a Rates Notice, means I was assumed a debtor from the beginning, which brings us to fraud, and Fraud Vitiates Everything; nunc pro tunc, ab initio

Link for evidence:
Attached! G-Dodgy Receipt-from SBRC- pdf

By: Denis-Peter: Beneficiary.

Posted by Denis-Peter