
A snippet from a document by member RL


1 Fraud

(1) A person is guilty of fraud if he is in breach of any of the sections listed on subsection (2) (which provide for different ways of committing the offence).

(2) The sections are;

(a) section 2 (fraud by false representation),
(b) section 3 (fraud by failing to disclose information), and
(c) section 4 (fraud by abuse of position).

In Australia:
Criminal Code Amendment (Theft, Fraud, Bribery and Related Offences) Act 2000

Part 7.4—False or misleading statements

Division 136—False or misleading statements in applications

136.1 False or misleading statements in applications


(1) A person is guilty of an offence if:

(a) the person makes a statement (whether orally, in a document or in any other way); and

(b) the person does so knowing that the statement:

(i) is false or misleading; or

(ii) omits any matter or thing without which the statement is misleading; and

(c) the statement is made in, or in connection with:

(i) an application for a licence, permit or authority; or

(ii) an application for registration; or

(iii) an application or claim for a benefit; and

(d) any of the following subparagraphs applies:

(i) the statement is made to a Commonwealth entity;

(ii) the statement is made to a person who is exercising powers or performing functions under, or in connection with, a law of the Commonwealth;

(iii) the statement is made in compliance or purported compliance with a law of the Commonwealth.

Penalty: Imprisonment for 12 months.



Private & International Law

Article 3.8 – Fraud

A party may avoid the contract when it has been led to conclude the contract by the other party’s fraudulent representation, including language, practices, or fraudulent nondisclosure of circumstances which, according to reasonable standards of fair dealing, the latter party should have disclosed.

Article 5.1.3 – Cooperation between the parties.

Each party shall cooperate with the other party when such co-operation may reasonably be expected for the performance of that party’s obligations.

Article 7.3.4 – Adequate Assurance of Due Performance.

A party who reasonably believes that there will be a fundamental non-performance by the other party may meanwhile withhold its performance. Where this assurance is not provided within a reasonable time the party demanding it may terminate the contract.

Article 7.4.1 – Right to damages.

Any non-performance gives the aggrieved party a right to damages either exclusively or in conjunction with any other remedies except where the non-performance is excused under these principles.

Article 7.4.2 – Full compensation.

(1) The aggrieved party is entitled to full compensation for harm sustained as a result of the nonperformance. Such harm includes both any loss which it suffered and any gain of which it was deprived, taking into account any gain to the aggrieved party resulting from its avoidance of cost or harm

(2) Such harm may be nonpecuniary and includes, for instance, physical suffering and emotional distress.

All other corporations including but not limited to: telephone, cable, satellite and utility companies, contractors, builders, maintenance companies, investors, inspectors, law enforcement officers, officers of the court, wholesalers, retailers and all others, including all persons, including all corporations of any kind are bound by all paragraphs, terms and conditions herein, regardless of the nature of limited liability corporation(s) or affiliations, or any types of businesses in commerce as deeded by this securities agreement and decree.

Posted by PMA admin