No residential address

Just imagine if no-one had a “residential address”?

If you only had an “in c/o 123 Whatever Street”, in the suburb next door.

Locking yourself into an address “where you live”, is effectively making you, literally…

A sitting duck.


If your postal address is “in c/o (your mate up the road or in the town next over, or even … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Dictionaries “re-definition”


Source: Dictionary Re-Definition. (external link)

See also list of old law dictionaries (this website)

Changing the meanings with purpose and intent to mislead and deceive.

There appears in the public record, a pair of volumes of dictionaries, one printed in 1863 and the other 1864.  These appear to evidence a professional lexicographer may have colluded to purposely falsify … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Research tips

Below are some starting points so you can research any govco wo/man/business, who would be the respondent in your Notices.

Prior to 2023 AI search results

When using any search engine, type your search string and follow with “before:2020” to get search results published prior to 2020.

eg search: “definition of virus” and see the results.

then, search “definition of … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Fixed-Meaning Canon

Fixed-Meaning Canon.
Words must be given the meaning they had when the text was adopted.

Antonin Scalia and Bryan A. Garner

That is, at the time the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution was enacted, “Commonwealth” and “Commonwealth entity” or “Parliament of the Commonwealth” meant the non-corporate Commonwealth of the People under a Monarch, and a “Commonwealth” entity/Government/agent was one pursuant to … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information, Nuggets

The Postal Acceptance Rule

From external source

How Does the Postal Acceptance Rule Work?

With much of business and commercial operations being online in this day and age, it may seem strange to consider the effects of making contracts by post. However it is important to know the consequences of the Postal Acceptance Rule as it can have significant impacts on whether you … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Who is “you”?

From an external source.

Who “you” are, is no longer the question. The question is, who “IS” you. The word “you” gets more people into trouble than any other word currently utilized within our legal and financial systems.
It is virtually impossible to fully explain the proper grammatical usage of the word “you”, insofar as proper English is concerned.
Wikipedia:Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Crimes Act 1914 s13 and s42


Institution of proceedings in respect of offences

                   Unless the contrary intention appears in the Act or regulation creating the offence, any person may:

                     (a)  institute proceedings for the commitment for trial of any person in respect of any indictable offence against the law of the Commonwealth; or

                     (b)  institute proceedings for the … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Unincorporate the name

For anyone wanting to follow the Commonwealth Custodian’s Unincorporate the name process
These instructions were created by an external, unconfirmed source. Use them at your own risk. Questions can be sent to Commonwealth Custodians, who we believe created these instructional pdfs and videos.
In saying that though, these are the instructions that have been used by several PMA members.


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Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Sir Harry Gibbs

1 November 1995

Dear Mr Wilson,
Thank you for your letter of 29 October. Although you state that you are not a lawyer you are on the right track in expressing the view that the Constitution cannot be altered under Section L2B to remove the Crown from the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth was established not by the Constitution but by the Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013

11  Types of Commonwealth entities

                   There are 2 types of Commonwealth entities:

                     (a)  a corporate Commonwealth entity, which is a Commonwealth entity that is a body corporate; and

                     (b)  a non‑corporate Commonwealth entity, which is a Commonwealth entity that is not a body corporate.

Note:          Corporate Commonwealth entities are legally

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Posted by PMA admin in General Information, Nuggets