Privacy Act 1988

From Attorney-General’s website:
[Notation added in square brackets]

Under the Privacy Act 1988, (Privacy Act), you have a right to access your personal information that is held by this department. You also have a right to request corrections to any personal information we hold about you if you think it is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading.

In addition to

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Posted by PMA admin in FOI, General Information
“This is my court”

“This is my court”

Have you ever heard when a Magistrate has said this is my court?

Their rules?

It’s probably because he/she is standing persona designata (in a private capacity, not as a Chapter III appointed Magistrate/Judge).

The persona designata doctrine is a doctrine in law, particularly in Canadian and Australian constitutional law which states that, although it is generally impermissible for

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Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Vexatious litigants v vexatious prosecutions

Having a read through this case will give you an idea of how those who strive for remedy at law are treated.

In the matter:

No. 6196 of 2012


PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Application for order that defendant be declared a vexatious litigant – Whether … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information


Systematic corruption and thievery by the state or state-sanctioned corruption
A government whose corrupt leaders use political power to expropriate the wealth of the people and land they govern
Key Feature
No public announcement or legal consequences for misappropriations by kleptocrats
Different from plutocracy and oligarchy; corrupt politicians enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law
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Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Doctrine of Impartiality

is the ancient doctrine that every officer of the law is bound by their oath to protect the law and act with impartiality and without bias.

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Doctrine of Good Faith

Is the ancient doctrine that every officer of the law hold office by virtue of the continued validity of their sacred Oath to uphold the law.
When a Magistrate is unable or refuses to provide his Oath of Office, to uphold the law, one must question if it is a court of law.

Doctrine of good faith is a Common

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Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Doctrine of Clean Hands

Is the ancient doctrine that an officer of the law ceases to have any authority or office when they hold any financial interest in a legal matter before their court.

“Your honour, do you have any financial or commercial interest in this matter?”

Black’s Law Dictionary
It is a rule of equity that a plaintiff [or a Magistrate, all are … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Property and You (video of the week)

Notes will be added asap, but please watch it all, specifically take notes from 49minute mark.
The inserted Local Government Acts (of each state) have infringed upon your inherent rights under international law and treaties, to which Australia is a signatory.

Rescind/revoke representations (“elector, “resident” “ratepayer” etc “associations”)
Update to Notice to your Titles Registry office (all states) to correct … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information, Video of the week