Oath of Office

[Underline emphasis added]


For the attention of every senator and every member of the House of Representatives:
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (current until a referendum changes it)

42 Oath or affirmation of allegiance.

Every senator and every member of the House of Representatives shall before taking his seat make and subscribe before the Governor-General, or some person

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Posted by PMA admin in General Information

The Judgment of whole Kingdoms and Nations

Concerning the
Rights, Privileges, and Properties
By [a collective of authors including] the Chairman of the Committee commissioned to write the Bill of Rights 1688
John Somers

The Nature of GOVERNMENT in general, both from GOD and MAN. An Account of the BRITISH Government, and the RIGHTS and

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Posted by PMA admin in General Information

We are all controlled by the Birth Certificate:

Enlightening Information “a work in progress”, to bring awareness to those that know there is something wrong, but just cannot put their hand on it.

My journey into this field, was once I started to question, the validity of a birth certificate and why , it could not be used as form of ID, yet was required for all interactions … Read article

Posted by Denis-Peter in Public Notice

FOI Bills of Exchange

On 10 January 2024, you emailed the Office of the Attorney-General (the office) requesting access
• A certified copy of the exemption instrument/certificate/notice/document that exempts
government departments and government corporations and government funded
corporations from complying with the Bills of Exchange Act 1909.
• A list of those government departments and government corporations and government
funded corporations and any

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Posted by PMA admin in FOI, General Information

How to write bullet-proof notices and Affidavits

This is from an external source but should be very helpful to anyone writing documents.

Watch on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LBRt6NbxGwc4/

JurisDictionary, online course $249US from by Dr. Frederick Graves

Quick transcript (check any references you use):


Good day observation deck viewers in this episode I’m going to cover the critical importance of including maxims in your counter claims or … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Page 927 Annotated Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia


¶ 444. “The States.”
The States are parts of the Commonwealth; this is one of the basic principles in the structure and organization of the federated community. In order to present a true conception of the position of the States in the Commonwealth some of the ground previously traversed must be here reviewed, and attention

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Posted by PMA admin in General Information, Nuggets

Statement and Claim 12th January 2024

Public Notice – Regarding a, 

Statement and Claim 12th January 2024. 

For Harm done with Intent and Continuing; 

Extortion, Personage and Debt Slavery. 


Mark Pitt; In both the acting role as Chief Executive Officer, and in the private capacity; For and on behalf of the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL,

ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: (the “business”):

As many warnings have … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in Public Notice